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TiDAL Hatchery
from tidal import * import wifi import datetime from app import TextApp class WetterApp(TextApp): BG = BLACK FG = WHITE def on_activate(self): super().on_activate() self.window.println("WETTER FORECAST") self.window.println("===============") if not wifi.status(): self.window.println("Connecting to wifi") wifi.connect() wifi.wait() if not wifi.status(): print("Connection failed!") return self.window.println(f"Connected to {wifi.get_ssid()}") self.window.println("Contacting MET Office") weather = get_weather() print_weather(self.window, weather) # Set the entrypoint for the app launcher main = WetterApp import urequests # Probably fine for EMFCamp 2022 but will shut down afterwards # You can get your own key and secret in this URL: # under the section "Site Specific forecast" METOFFICE_KEY="3880e8faf8955ed5be61e636478ba3a5" METOFFICE_SECRET="e081a3e3ea3a0836ef3cbae07a3f714f" ENDPOINT="" # As indicated by the EMF pin in Google Maps LATITUDE="52.0393567" LONGITUDE="-2.3795471" def get_weather(): url = f"{ENDPOINT}?includeLocationName=true&latitude={LATITUDE}&longitude={LONGITUDE}" headers = { "X-IBM-Client-Id": METOFFICE_KEY, "X-IBM-Client-Secret" : METOFFICE_SECRET } response = urequests.get(url, headers= headers) #print(type(response)) results = response.json() response.close() return results print("Hi8") def print_weather(window, w): window.println("Location:") window.println(w['features'][0]['properties']['location']['name']) for i in [0,1,2]: timeSeries = w['features'][0]['properties']['timeSeries'][i] timeStr = currentdt.time().strftime('%H:%m') currentdt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(timeSeries['time'][:-1]) # Removing pesky Z at the end winddir = get_wind_direction(timeSeries['windDirectionFrom10m']) window.println(f"* {timeStr}") window.println(f" - Temp: {timeSeries['screenTemperature']}°C") window.println(f" - Rain: {timeSeries['probOfPrecipitation']}%") window.println(f" - Wind: {timeSeries['windSpeed10m']}m/s ({winddir})") def get_wind_direction(d): if d > 0 and d <= 22.5 or d > 360-22.5: return "N" elif d > 22.5 and d <= 90-22.5: return "NE" elif d > 90-22.5 and d <= 90+22.5: return "E" elif d > 90+22.5 and d <= 180-22.5: return "SE" elif d > 180-22.5 and d <= 180+22.5: return "S" elif d > 180+22.5 and d <= 270-22.5: return "SW" elif d > 270-22.5 and d <= 270+22.5: return "W" else: return "NW"